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Sara Rector is a mixed genre singer song writer who sings Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country, Folk and Pop. All of which can be heard in her original compositions in both English and Japanese. Born in Osaka, she grew up in Gunma with her American father and her Japanese mother.

With her multicultural background as a source of inspiration, she performs and participates in many different venues with musicians from a wide range of styles. Her music career started the very first night she stepped into a small session at a jazz club in her hometown of Maebashi. With no particular musical education or experience, she jumped into the session, grabbed the microphone and thought `This is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life'. Ever since then, she's been singing not only Jazz but all styles of music. She's been performing with Time Five, a male acapella jazz group for 5 years between 2008 and 2013. She was also the radio personality of NHK FM Radio Man Jack for 2 years between 2010 and 2012. In 2009 she received the semi-grand prix title in Saitama Shintoshin Jazz Vocal Contest.

She began playing the guitar in her 30s, and dove into writing more of her own material which is a mixture of country and folk music. In 2016, she performed at Peter Barakan's Live Magic as the Unit group 'Sara meets ichioro' with the great blues rock guitarist ichiro. She is hosting the radio program ‘Sound Cruz’ Shibuya Cross FM every Wednesday at 8pm.



In 2012, she joined Takegoro Kobayashi's unit ROOM56's first album by singing and writing the lyrics for "Feather in the Wind". In that same year, she sang Stormy Weather in the compilation album Jazz Vocal Showcase Vol.2.

2013, she released her first album "Home" which includes 6 of her original songs. She was also featured in the band ON's first album. 2015 announced the release of her 2nd album "You Are Loved" supported by m.s.t. In 2017, she joined Shun Ishiwaka’s album Song Book, singing and writing the lyrics for ‘The Voice’. And this Fall she’ll be releasing her 3rd album ‘Keep It That Way’.


2008年から5年間タイムファイブのコンサートにスペシャルパートナーとして参加。2010年から2年間、毎週土曜日のNHK FM16:00から放送の番組ラジオマンジャックにレギュラーメンバーとして出演。

2012年小林岳五郎率いるミクスチャージャズユニットROOM56のアルバムHit the Devilに参加、Feather In The Windの作詞、ヴォーカルをつとめる。同年女性ヴォーカル12人によるコンピレーションアルバムJazz Vocal Showcase vol.2に参加。'13年自身のオリジナル曲6曲を収録したファーストアルバムHomeをリリース。同年エレクトリックバンドONのファーストアルバムに参加、自身のオリジナル曲を収録。'15年、m.s.t.サポートによるセカンドアルバムYou Are Lovedをリリース。'16年、日本を代表するブルーズロックギタリストichiroとのユニットSara meets ichiroで2度に渡る原宿クロコダイルでのライブ、そしてピーター・バラカン氏の主催する音楽イベントPeter Barakan’s Live Magicに出演する。 2017年、石若駿のアルバムSong Bookに参加、The Voiceの作詞、ヴォーカルをつとめる。そしてこの秋自身の3作目になるアルバムKeep It That Wayをリリース。その他CMソングの作詞等

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Doggies Music

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